
Package de.spieleck.util

Interface Summary
ExceptionHandler Implement something that can be called to analyze an exception.
TaskSource A source of threads for the ThreadPool.

Class Summary
EmptyIterator Convenicence class to provide an empty implementation of the Iterator Interface.
FastClassForName This is a replacement for Class.forName(...).newInstance().
Mailer This class provides methods for sending mails
SimpleAuthenticator A simple Authenticator for user-password authentification.
Strings A class to represent a list of strings with appropriate hashCode and equals implemented.
StringUtil A utility class providing operations for String objects
TaskQueue A queue of Tasks (Runnables) for the ThreadPool.
ThreadPool Implement a thread pool for dispatching arbitrary many jobs to a fixed number of workers.
ThreadUtil Very simple helpers for delaying Threads.


Copyleft 2002 spieleck.de.