What is Jacson?
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To illustrate some basic applications of Jacson there are
a few samples shipped in the samples directory:
id.conf -
A configuration turning Jacson into an identity filter.
That is everything coming in is presented at output unchanged.
This can be useful in conjunction with the
jacsontail file watcher.
And it is the simplest possible configuration.
grep.conf -
A configuration simulating the behaviour of a simple grep.
See how few additions to above id configuration is needed,
to achieve something useful.
head.conf -
Cut away the first few lines of the input (like *x head).
lines.conf -
Copy the input to the output, maybe useless, but possible.
links.conf -
Filter out broken links using
BrokenLinkFilter loganalysis.conf -
This is a part of the seminal project which lead to Jacson,
filtering some information from a webserver logfile. It is
long, but it is very powerful.
monitor.conf -
This sample shows the usage of a MailReport for monitoring
sel2test.conf -
More a debugging aid for the
SelectionExtractFilter .
seltest.conf -
More a debugging aid for the
SelectionExtractFilter .
Predecessor of sel2test.conf.
sql.conf -
Reading input from a database using
SQLSource and
by that using a Generic Source.
wc.conf -
Fake a *x wc command, that is count lines in a file.
wc4j.conf -
Similar to wc.conf on the Jacson end, this shows the
possibilities of the
Log4jReport :
Output is forked to console and the log4j.log file. The output
on the console contains different parts of the generated data
and in a different layout.
Note: This needs to be run in the samples directory
for log4j to find it's log4j.conf configuration.
wordstem.conf -
Debugging configuration for the
in conjunction with both
StemmerDE .
StemmerEN .
A few more sample configurations can be found
on the Ant Task Documentation page. |